If I had to choose… the Common Loon would be Bird of the Year for 2023.
Frequently seen on the lakes and coast of Maine, the Common Loon is a fan favorite here. They’re just one of those birds that command attention and adoration. I would argue they might be one of the most identifiable birds outside of the exotics that get lots of attention for their coloration and odd shapes. Even the least “bird people” of us can identify a loon call. It’s a sound of summer for me - if I listen carefully I can be serenaded by their calls at dawn and dusk from half a mile away on Megunticook Lake.
Without a doubt, they are absolutely stunning birds. I’m not at all sad about getting to spend a more than few (large!) panels worth of paint getting to know their shape and pattern better last year.
You can see the piece in the last slide above on show at Mixed Greens in Camden, Maine.
If you have any questions or would like to commission a loon portrait, or any other special bird for that matter, do not hesitate to get in touch via the website or lily.k.hamill@gmail.com.