Go for it.
Even if you think you can’t.
Even if other people think you can’t.
Even if you don’t know how to get where you want to go.
Even if you have to go alone.
Go for it!
We ALL have dreams and goals whispering in the back of our head. Maybe sparked by something we’ve seen or read - insert thought bubble [I COULD do that, what if, wouldn’t that be cool, if they can do it then I bet I could…] but then the self doubt FLOODS in and we burry that idea again.
I’ll break it down using myself:
Scrolling instagram, discovers #vanlife…
Start dying over all the amazing pictures and dreamy lifestyle…
Think to myself, ‘I COULD drive across the country alone’ and ‘we COULD live in a van.’
Immediately starts coming up with the laundry list of negativity (it’s not safe, it’s frivolous, how will family/friends/clients react, we can’t afford it)…
Then we committed to the goal, fed the spark until it was a fire and hit the road.