“My wish is to stay aways like this, living quietly in a corner of nature.”
More February plein air watercolors from Joshua Tree National Park. Continuing to experiment with pen and ink work either before or after paint to add more texture and definition on these studies. Adding the desert climate to an already FAST drying medium continues to create a challenge.
In 1936, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed a proclamation designating 794,000-acres of what is now Joshua Tree National Park — an area slightly larger than the state of Rhode Island — a national monument. It became a national park in 1994.
Joshua tree is the common name for the Yucca brevifolia, which only grow in a small swath of the Mojave Desert, from southwest Utah, southern Nevada and western Arizona and into southeastern California, in elevations from about 1,300 to 5,900 feet above sea level… [read more.]